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Why HR Doesn’t Have Time to Think About a Wellness Strategy & What It's Costing Your Company - Multi-part series: Ft. Jeff Tobe

Inspired by, and featuring exclusive content from our Sept. 2022 Virtual Wellness Intensive with special guest, Jeff Tobe, Innovation and Customer Experience Expert, Certified Speaking Professional, and Best-Selling Author. Jeff is the author of the wildly popular book, “Coloring Outside the Lines” and his newest book, The CX Edge: Critical Customer Experience Questions to Help You ATTRACT, WOW and KEEP Customers, is becoming one of the hottest business books on the market. 


Part 3b: Wellness = Employee Engagement = Customer Experience

Continuing from last time…

When it comes to creating wellness programs and the perceived costs for the organization to produce the best internal customer experience (those being your employees), Jeff says a path to the right solution is about maintaining perspective. “I love to say this: see the world from your customer's eyes and you'll see the way your customer buys. Are we looking at things from their...

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Why HR Doesn’t Have Time to Think About a Wellness Strategy & What It's Costing Your Company - Multi-part series: Ft. Jeff Tobe

Inspired by, and featuring exclusive content from our Sept. 2022 Virtual Wellness Intensive with special guest, Jeff Tobe, Innovation and Customer Experience Expert, Certified Speaking Professional, and Best-Selling Author. Jeff is the author of the wildly popular book, “Coloring Outside the Lines” and his newest book, The CX Edge: Critical Customer Experience Questions to Help You ATTRACT, WOW and KEEP Customers, is becoming one of the hottest business books on the market. 
Part 3a: Wellness = Employee Engagement = Customer Experience

Human Resources (HR) plays a crucial role in managing a company's most valuable asset: its employees. However, with the increasing demands of day-to-day operations, HR professionals often find themselves overwhelmed and unable to dedicate time to developing a comprehensive wellness strategy for their organization. This lack of attention to employee wellbeing can have significant consequences for a company, including...

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Why HR Doesn’t Have Time to Think About a Wellness Strategy & What It's Costing Your Company - Multi-part series: Ft. Kim Chernecki

Inspired by, and featuring exclusive content from our Sept. 2022 Virtual Wellness Intensive with special guest, Kim Chernecki, CEO & Founder of Freedom Street, Canada's leading expert in helping freelance executives, consultants, and coaches land lucrative corporate contracts. Kim is also the fractional Director of Business Development & Growth at MacKay CEO Forums.

PT 2b: Wellness Program Challenges of HR Leaders

As companies begin to shift back towards in-person work in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, CEOs and CHROs are facing a number of challenges when it comes to implementing and maintaining workplace wellness programs. These programs, which are designed to promote the physical and mental health of employees, have become increasingly important as the pandemic has highlighted the need for support and resources to help employees manage stress and maintain their well-being.

One of the main issues facing CEOs and CHROs is the need to adapt workplace wellness programs to...

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