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Why HR Doesnโ€™t Have Time to Think About a Wellness Strategy & What It's Costing Your Company - PT 2a: Wellness Program Challenges of HR Leaders

(Inspired by, and featuring exclusive content from our Sept. 2022 Virtual Wellness Intensive with special guest, Kim Chernecki, CEO & Founder of Freedom Street, Canada's leading expert in helping freelance executives, consultants, and coaches land lucrative corporate contracts. Kim is also the fractional Director of Business Development & Growth at MacKay CEO Forums.)

HR as a profession has undergone a significant disruption in the last two and a half to three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stress and fatigue have led to an unprecedented turnover of HR leaders as fallout to the pandemic. “I was speaking to Marty Parker, CEO of Waterstone human capital, a North American firm,” Kim explains, and he said that he has never seen such an exodus of HR leaders leaving organizations or changing organizations due to burnout. Physically and mentally.”

When the pandemic hit, HR leaders were tasked with managing their employees remotely and handling new and...

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