eLifestyle Personal Training
Do You? ...
- Dream of having the body you did in high school – slim, shapely, strong, energetic, athletic?
- Look at your midsection or second chin in disgust?
- Have a few pounds to lose to fit into your favorite skinny jeans?
- Have 30 or more pounds to lose?
- Tried other programs and/or quick-fix products with no success?
Lastly, are you being held back from living a high quality of life with friends or loved one’s because of ailments, aches and pains from injuries or inactivity and require doctor prescribed medications to help manage the pain?
If you answered yes to any or all of those questions, you’re in the right place!
We've helped REAL PEOPLE in YOUR community focus on creating balanced lifestyle habits for them AND their entire families. We've also helped thousands of other clients create healthy work and family life balance no matter how busy their lives are, to create a sustainable quality of life.
There's ALWAYS a Reason ... Not to Commit ...
- Not enough time...
- Not enough money...
- My kids need me...
- My boss needs me...
- I don't know where to start...
- Insert excuses here...
Excess body weight tends to creep up on us over time until the body we see in the mirror no longer resembles the person we really are on the inside.
And that extra weight leads to many other health or mobility related problems, it also defeats us mentally and ruins our confidence and self-esteem.
Trust us, we know how you feel. Having over 50 combined years of athletic competition, personal fitness training and nutrition credentials, and much more, we are grateful to look back at the personal knowledge gained from having battled back from weight gain, athletic injuries and health issues to return our bodies to an optimally balanced state of wellness and longevity.
Our unique training approach and attention to detail is the foundation of our personal training and online coaching success. Our programs are custom designed to work one-on-one, partner and group, and level up from beginner to advanced for all types of goals.
Our focus on lifestyle habits have helped thousands of clients create healthy work and family life balance no matter how busy their lives are, to create a sustainable quality of life.
For over 15 years, our personal training and coaching services have provided thousands of men and women with the most personal experience possible. No matter which package you choose – nutrition or training, your program will be custom designed from scratch by us.
Whether you’re interested in general fitness, reducing body fat, gaining lean muscle mass, total body transformations, contest prep and more, we strive for 100% client satisfaction and can help YOU reach your own personal fitness goals today.
We guarantee you’ll receive the most comprehensive and goal-focused training experience of your life. Whether you chose to train with us in our studio, your home, office or online, you will get RESULTS! No matter your job, lifestyle or location, we can develop a solution for you, guaranteed!
Our mentality is always to provide quality with affordability, and that’s the same promise we make to you. We’ve got your back every step of the way. So go ahead and contact us for more information or a consultation to determine the personal program that’s right for you, below this video. We’re looking forward to making you a huge success!
Who Do You See In The Mirror?
Excess body weight tends to creep up on us over time until the body we see in the mirror no longer resembles the person we really are on the inside.
And that extra weight leads to many other health or mobility related problems, and also defeats us mentally and ruins our confidence and self-esteem.
Become who YOU want to see in the mirror.
We Created YOUR ACTION Plan
EVERY WEEK people of all ages and walks of life come to us for help and guidance. Each one is met with compassion and understanding. Perhaps the most important part of our work is guiding you with years of knowledge that enables us to see deep into each person’s lifestyle to devise a real action plan to turn back the clock and reach and exceed goals.